CHRIS BROOKS COMEDY Comedy shows, courses and Laughter Growth workshops.
CHRIS BROOKS COMEDY provides a variety of comedy shows, comedy courses and Laughter Growth workshops.
Chris Brooks started performing comedy in 2002. He has hosted, promoted and appeared at hundreds of events on the south west comedy and spoken word circuits.
Since October 2013 Chris Brooks has promoted and hosted THE JOCULAR SPECTACULAR ROVING COMEDY SHOW at venues across the region. Jocular Spectacular acts have included Mitch Benn, Ian Cognito, Steve Day, Matt Green, Stevev Hall, Iszi Lawrence and Arthur Smith.
As well as being a comedian, CHRIS BROOKS is a performance poet, free-lance educator and a professional actor with the Candlelight Theatre Company.
"When I attended Chris' comedy course I found it to be quite life-changing. I now think in a different way, life is funny, comedy is everywhere that I look - it just jumps out of no-where."
- PAULA WHITFIELD, Comedy Course Participant 2014.
"Chris offers pathos with pith, poignancy with punch. He's at a place where idealism meets absurdity. He's out to lunch but back again for tea." - MATT HARVEY Radio 4 WONDERMENTALIST CABARET and SATURDAY LIVE.
View my website http://www.chrisbrookscomedy.com/
My Location
Telephone: 07825 411 030
Email: chrisbrookscomedy@gmail.com
Website: http://www.chrisbrookscomedy.com/
My Events
6 PART STAND-UP COMEDY COURSE / Mon 05 Oct to Mon 07 Dec 2015 (2 months)
6 Part Stand-Up Comedy Course Mondays: Oct 5th, Oct 19th, Nov 2nd, Nov 16th, Nov 30th and Dec 7th. 7.30 - 10pm. £140 This six session course, ...
CHRIS BROOKS hosts an evening of hilarious comedy entertainment as the Jocular Spectacular returns to the Blue Walnut. The headliner for the show is n...