Charlotte Wood / Events / Thu 13 Jun 2019
Creative England: Future Opportunities

We would like to welcome our alumni of Hertfordshire ProConnect beneficiaries to join us for our final Networking Evening, celebrating the success of the programme and learning more about the support offered to SME’s.
Over the last two years the ProConnect programme has delivered a series of workshops, networking evenings, one-to-one support and business grants focused on supporting small creative businesses, sole traders and related industries.
We have invited Will Saunders, Independent Media Consultant and Executive Producer to open the evening with a discussion around thinking outside the box, making the most of available opportunities, questioning what it means to work digitally and responding positively to change.
Will Saunders is the Chief Creative Officer for the AHRC funded Storyfutures Gateway Cluster and Storyfutures Academy working with partners that include; Sony Interactive Entertainment, Pinewood Studios, Sky & The National Film & Television School. In 2018 he consulted with DCMS following the publication of The Cultural White Paper and a government review aimed at making the UK a world leader in Digital Culture and was one of the chief architects of the BBC’s digital transformation, driving development and business across BBC Studios.
The remainder of the evening will be followed by networking to discuss future opportunities in the region and build connections across the sector.
This event is part of the Hertfordshire ProConnect programme, and is co-funded by Creative England and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hertfordshire-proconnect-networking-evening-future-opportunities-tickets-61231722731
Event Location
Elstree Studios
Shenley Rd
Telephone: 07795 088 501
Email: proconnectherts@creativeengland.co.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hertfordshire-proconnect-networking-evening-future-opportunities-tickets-61231722731