Following a successful exhibition at The Wynd Gallery Letchworth in October 2018. Digswell Arts Alumni Gill Ayre and Caryl Beach have come together again, at the invitation of Art Van Go, to exhibit their work entitled 'Thin Places Revisited’.
A selected collection of work from their show in Letchworth which highlights their individual inspiration and ethos. The exhibition continues until February 23rd.
Visit https://www.vycombe-arts.co.uk/visitshop-directions-knebworth.html for opening times and map.
Thin Places - Re visited: An exhibition of work by Gill Ayre and Caryl Beach
The Gallery at Art Van Go Knebworth
January 22nd – February 23rd 2019
Thin Places are places where the veil between the temporal and the spiritual worlds are tissue-thin, and in such places, we may be able to experience glimpses of the spiritual dimension.
Digswell Arts Alumni Artists Gill Ayre and Caryl Beach explore what this means to them in their work. Always rooted in their experience of landscape, their work touches on these shifts in perception, where mundanity gives way to mystery.
Gill Ayre www.gillayre.co.uk
‘Woodlands, marshlands and mountains are places where I can feel a shift in my experience of the word, places of dissemblance and mystery.
Trees are both rooted in the earth, with their branches stretching towards the heavens, and woodlands are associated with magic and myth, tree spirits and faeries.
Marshlands are transitional, threshold places, where substance becomes insubstantial, where earth melts into water.
Mountains, shrouded in mist and cloud, are places of mystery, are often seen as spiritual places, where we can glimpse something of the eternal.
Places where you can lose yourself, in both senses of the word - these are my inspirations.’
Caryl Beach www.carylbeach.org
‘Landscape: where land meets sea is my thin place. A calm, mysterious and sometimes overwhelmingly powerful place.
A place of wonderment and inspiration where the elements of nature vie for dominance.
My work in video, photography and mixed media strive to represent the transient and enigmatic nature of our world, whose beauty lies in imperfection and impermanence. ‘
For more information visit https://digswellarts.org/thin-places-re-visited-an-exhibition-of-work-by-gill-ayre-and-caryl-beach/
News Location
Art Van Go
Art Van Go
The Studios
1 Stevenage Road
Telephone: 01438 814 946
Email: art@artvango.co.uk
Website: https://digswellarts.org/thin-places-re-visited-an-exhibition-of-work-by-gill-ayre-and-caryl-beach/