Wallace 100
Press release for ‘Wallace 100’
A group exhibition and Art Trail
by artists, Caryl Beach, Veronica Grassi and Sally Tyrie under the group name of ‘Praesentia’
Dates; Thursday 7th Nov 2013 for approx. 2 weeks
Location; Hertford Town Centre – shop windows / walls inside premises.
Caryl Beach, Veronica Grassi and Sally Tyrie studied together at the University of Hertfordshire on the MA Fine Art course and are currently based at Digswell Arts Trust studios near Welwyn. Following on from a very successful show at Courtyard Arts in Hertford in 2012, which explored aspects of Hertford’s past, they have come together again to create and display work that responds to one of Hertford’s historical residents, Alfred Russell Wallace. Their exhibition titled ‘Wallace 100’ coincides with nationwide events being organised by the Natural History Museum and partner institutions around the world to ‘commemorate the life and work of Alfred Russell Wallace on the 100th anniversary of his death in 1913’.
Caryl Beach uses photography, video, painting and printmaking to capture everyday experiences In the landscape, evolving into a visual diary and reflective journey. Her video piece made for ‘Herford Layers’ won best video at Eastern Approaches, 2012.
“Through my research of Wallace I have developed a close affinity with his early years spent in Hertford where he too walked possibly the same pathways and rivers edges and visited the sites of Old Mills. His love and fascination of nature are a passion I too share. The works I have developed for this project reflect my journeys and observations and, I hope, capture the essence of Wallace’s own passion and enquiring mind.”
Caryl Beach Mono print
For more information visit http://praesentiadotorg.wordpress.com/2013/10/06/wallace-100/