Callaloo Carnival Arts / Images
Giant Goldfinch spotted at Holmfirth Arts Festival!

A Giant Goldfinch puppet is carried aloft by a young woman, wearing sunglasses and a black teeshirt, with white lettering, which reads ‘Callaloo Carnival Arts’.
A beautiful tree forms a leafy backdrop to the image and a stone wall is just visible in the lower corner of the image, behind the puppeteer’s left arm. She is smiling as she manoevres the puppet along the Parade route, holding a black pole to steady the bird in one hand and a bamboo lever to operate the head mechanism in the other.
Image by Mirabel Henry. Puppet design & construction by Alison Duddle (Bird In The Hand Theatre Co) with Marina Poppa, Jasmine Greaves, Mirabel Henry (Callaloo Carnival Arts)
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