byUMBERTO / Events / Sun 21 Aug 2022

The workshop will cover the basics of sign-writing methods.
Using pencil and paper, Umberto will teach you two methods of drawing block casual lettering using optical and mecnahical techniques, before moving onto brush techniques that are the staple of a sign writer's tool kit. Each person will learn how to paint lettering using non solvant black paint onto white or brown paper.
Umberto will give step by step instructions and 1-1 guidance throughout the day, on how to hold the brush with a mahl stick, how to load the brush with paint as well as talking through the various ways of painting individual letters.
You will walk away will a wealth of signwriting knowledge as well as a series of hand painted posters, drawn and painted by hand. Though following the guidance of Umberto, each person will have their own individual style to their finished work.
The day will be contextualised throughout with links between the lettering styles of the workshop and ghost signs of Huddersfield and beyond.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sign-writing-with-umberto-at-magic-rock-tap-huddersfield-tickets-388240727467
Event Location
Magic Rock Tap
Willow Park Business Centre, Willow Ln, Huddersfield
Email: info@byumberto.com
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sign-writing-with-umberto-at-magic-rock-tap-huddersfield-tickets-388240727467