Buckfast / Events / Thu 02 Jul 2015
The Man who found Perfect Joy

Stories from the Life of St Francis of Assisi. A performance by Mark Bedford accompanied by Tobias Kaye on the Sounding Bowl.
Schiller Hall, Buckfast Abbey
suitable age 15+
drinks 7.30pm, performance 8.00pm
Tickets £14.00 to include a glass or wine or soft drink
Tickets available from the Abbey Bookshop, Buckfast 01364 645506
Part of the Buckfast Abbey Storytelling Festival. Please see our Facebook page or website
For more information visit http://www.buckfast.org.uk/storytelling-festival_255.html
Event Location
Buckfast Abbey
Buckfast Abbey
TQ11 0EE
Telephone: 01364 645 506
Email: education@buckfast.org.uk
Website: http://www.buckfast.org.uk/storytelling-festival_255.html