Blue Touch Paper Carnival / News / Thu 12 Jan 2012
BTP Carnival hits the ground running in 2012

You may have heard that the Blue Touch Paper Carnival project has secured funding from Arts Council England to continue with its exciting work during 2012. Part of the West Sussex Ahead of the Game 2012 programme the project will continue to bring disabled and non disabled artists/people together to make top quality accessible carnival.
We've had to hit the floor running in January and 3 of our group are already in Rio forming partnerships with the only disabled samba school in Rio Embaixadores da Alegra. As we go through the next few weeks and months we will be adding to our Facebook page and website. To keep up to date with what we are doing follow us at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Blue-Touch-Paper-Carnival/169778366383321
If you like what we are doing please give us a 'like' and share it with your friends.
Its important that we let us many people know about the work we are doing and the difference it can make to the lives of people with learning disabilities.
Our website www.btpcarnival.co.uk will also soon be updated.
The BTP Team
For more information visit http://www.btpcarnival.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.btpcarnival.co.uk/