Blue Touch Paper Carnival / Events / Sat 21 Jul 2012
Blue Touch Paper Carnival take part in London 2012 Festival

As well as taking part in West Sussex's Ahead of the Game Festival, Blue Touch Paper are getting ready to contribute to the London 2012 Festival!
Saturday 21 July 2012 – timings to be announced, Clissold Park, Stoke Newington, London N16.
The event is FREE.
This summer the Cultural Olympiad of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games will culminate with the London 2012 Festival, a 12-week cultural celebration that will run from 21 June until 9 September, bringing together leading artists from around the world in events across the whole of the UK.
The Festival includes a special programme of Brazilian culture and creativity, in recognition of the Olympic Games' next host city, Rio 2016, and has created many opportunities for collaborations between UK and Brazilian artists. West Sussex will be represented at the Festival by Blue Touch Paper Carnival, the Uk's only accessible carnival project, working with Rio's leading disabled carnival group Embaixadores de Alegria to create performances for the One Hackney Festival. This will take the form of a street parade to celebrate the arrival of the Olympic Flame to the London borough on 21 July.
Blue Touch Paper features collaborations from disabled and non-disabled artists as part of our creative exchange between Embaixadores da Alegria and Bloco do Sul, one of the oldest blocos in England.
For more information about the London 2012 Festival please visit http://festival.london2012.com. You can find further information about the Ahead of the Game Festival at http://www.westsussex-aheadofthegame.com/page/culture/47/, or visit www.btpcarnival.co.uk.
For more information visit http://www.westsussex-aheadofthegame.com/page/culture/47/