Broadway Studio & Gallery / Opportunities / Sat 27 Aug 2022
Letchworth Open 2022

The Letchworth Open is an annual exhibition that will take place at the Broadway Gallery between September and October 2022 celebrating our region’s creative community. Each year we aim to create Hertfordshire’s largest and most celebrated exhibition by bringing together some of the region’s most talent artists under one roof, whilst discovering new practitioners in our ever-expanding community. Additionally, the Broadway Gallery will be awarding three artists a £1000 bursary and a solo presentation at the Gallery in 2023.
Submissions from all artists working in all media are welcome. There is no cost to enter, and all artists will be considered providing they meet the following criteria. Entries can be made by artists who are part of Letchworth’s creative community - being born, based or studied in Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Essex. All works submitted must be available for the duration of the exhibition from September through to November 2022.
If you would like to submit your artwork to the Open please complete the form and read the submission guidelines on our website.
For more information visit https://www.broadway-letchworth.com/letchworthopen
Opportunity Location
Broadway Gallery
2 The Arcade
Letchworth Garden City
Email: paul.davey@letchworth.com
Website: https://www.broadway-letchworth.com/letchworthopen