Broadway Studio & Gallery / Events / Sun 10 Oct 2021

We are pleased to announce a Lumen Print workshop by the Alt. Photo Lab, which will take place on Sunday 10th October, 11am-2pm, at the International Garden Cities Institute, Letchworth.
Lumen printing is an experimental, camera-less form of photography made by placing objects (often from nature) onto photographic paper and exposing it to sunlight. It is a contemporary form of one of the earliest photographic processes, the photogenic drawing - or photogram. Following a short introduction to the process we will take a walk in the IGCI garden and nearby park to collect objects to print. There will also be the opportunity to make phytograms, which is a similar technique but where the internal chemistry of the plant is used to help create the image.
This workshop forms part of our new series of exhibitions, events and workshops exploring the relationship between art and nature. Run by the Alt. Photo Lab, a new experimental photography initiative based in Letchworth, the workshop will be led by photographic artists Liz Harrington and Laurence Harding.
Tickets are £35 per person, and include a printing kit (printing frame and paper selection) that you can take home with you afterwards.
For more information visit https://www.broadway-letchworth.com/lumenprintworkshop
Event Location
International Garden Cities Institute
296 Norton Way South
Letchworth Garden City
Website: https://www.broadway-letchworth.com/lumenprintworkshop