Brixham Heritage Museum / Events / Sat 05 Apr to Fri 24 Oct 2014 (7 months)
WW1 Art Competition for Young People

This Easter we launch our WW1 Art Competition, inviting young people aged 5 to 14 years to mark the start of World War 1 in 1914.
Prizes will be awarded in three age groups: 5 to 7 yrs; 8 to 11 yrs and 12 to 14 years. The theme for the youngest group is Animals in the War. Themes for the older groups include Animals or, as an alternative, Design of a recruitment poster for the Navy, Army or Flying Corps of WW1.
Entry forms are available at Brixham Heritage Museum during normal opening hours for children and young people to either work on at the museum with art materials available, or to take away and return when their designs are complete. Entry forms and submission details are available at Brixham Heritage Museum and also online at www.brixhammuseum.org.uk
For further information contact: Call Brixham Heritage Museum on 01803 856267 or email: mail@brixhamheritage.org.uk
For more information visit http://www.brixhammuseum.org.uk/home.php