Brixham Heritage Museum / Opportunities / Mon 14 Aug 2017

The post of Museum Administrator at Brixham Heritage Museum is for 16 hours per week, Tuesday-Friday, 9.30am-1.30pm for a period of 7 months, commencing in September 2017 to the end of March, 2018. It is hoped that the contract can be extended, pending external funding. The rate of pay is £8.00 per hour. The post holder will need to be a qualified First Aider, or willing to undertake relevant training.
Duties will include:
• Act as a key holder for Museum
• Unlock the Museum at the beginning of the day, and start DVDs/technology in displays, where appropriate
• Check diary and deal with/pass on messages left by stewards – also leave note for them to state what action has been undertaken
• Check and deal with answerphone messages
• Answer calls and deal with enquiry or pass to the relevant person
• Open, date stamp and deal with post
• Check e-mails – reply/forward/delete
• Buy ink cartridges/envelopes/stamps/toilet rolls and other items as required
• Keep record of volunteer hours
• Order photocopy paper
• Print daily activity sheet/signing in register/activity sheets for children/slips for till/membership leaflets
• Design/alter posters for Quizzes/Talks/Coffee Mornings/Fayres, etc., print and arrange distribution; e-mail to Treasurer and Social Media Volunteer
• Update membership record as and when renewed; add to newsletter group e-mail
• E-mail quarterly newsletter to members who receive it through this medium
• Pass incoming invoices to Chairman/Vice Chairman for authorisation
• Pass invoices paid by Direct Debit to Treasurer
• Pack and post books when ordered/after book launch
• Deal with enquiries from stewards/visitors
• Co-ordinate volunteers and arrange rota, making sure leave/sickness/planned absence is covered as much in advance as possible
• Arrange monthly volunteers’ meeting (working with Volunteer Coordinator)
• Supervise any intern/work experience student
• Carry out paper checks/risk assessments, conforming to statutory requirements, e.g. Fire, Health and Safety, Water, Electrics
• Other duties as required
Please send a CV with covering letter, addressed to the Chairman, Miss Samantha Little, using the requirements above to show how you are suited to the post. Please give details of relevant experience.
For more information visit http://www.brixhamheritage.org.uk/
Opportunity Location
Brixham Heritage Museum
The Old Police Station
Bolton Cross
Telephone: 01803 856 267
Email: mail@brixhamheritage.org.uk
Website: http://www.brixhamheritage.org.uk/