Brixham Arts & Theatre Society L / Events / Wed 24 Sep 2014
'The Knicker Lady' Directors Phoebe Hawthorne & Rachel Longstaff

As a society gets richer, the briefs get briefer!
Rosemary Hawthorne, aka The Knicker Lady, romps through the history of the
humble knicker with a tempo and hilarity that leaves audiences, both male
and female, spellbound and dying for more!
Surrounded by old suitcases, boxes and hat stands, Rosemary delves
through two hundred and fifty years of bloomers, briefs and bustles and
presents the myriad of colourful characters that wore them, in a unique
and enigmatic style of her own.
Audiences are transported back to the muslin clad elegance of Jane Austen’s
England, the corset bound nineteenth century, the suffragettes and daring
darlings of the roaring twenties. With charismatic vivacity The Knicker Lady
scrutinises, like never before, the liberty bodice, school knickers, the
mighty Y-front and much much more... there isn’t a brief left unturned!
“...A delightful mix of costume and social history with a dash of pure cabaret!”
A unique hilarious one woman show that romps through the chronology of underwear in an unforgettable way that's just too good to miss!
‘Knickers: An Intimate Re-Appraisal’
Brixham Theatre 7.30 pm Wed 24th Sept
Tickets £12 Conc. £10 Student/Sen/Bats
Box Office 01803 882717
For more information visit http://batsweb.org.uk/
Event Location
Brixham Theatre
New Road
Telephone: 01803 882 717
Email: brixhamartsandtheatresociety@gmail.com
Website: http://batsweb.org.uk/