Brixham Arts & Theatre Society L / Events / Thu 06 Nov 2014
Rob heron & The Tea Pad Orchestra

Thursday 6 November 8 pm
Rob Heron & The Tea Pad Orchestra are the ones to watch on the UK's growing Americana scene. As a six piece band (featuring guitars, mandolin, harmonica, accordion, double bass and drums) they play an eclectic mix of Western Swing, Gypsy Jazz, Hokum Blues, Ragtime, Cajun, and Country, all with similar themes of debauchery, disasters, drink and debt.
Recently releasing their debut album, ‘Money Isn't Everything’, they have toured throughout the UK, with American riverboat rag-time band, Pokey LaFarge & The South City Three, as well as playing national festivals, such as Summertyne Americana Festival, Beatherder, Solfest and the Cheltenham Literature Festival.
With a set comprised of original songs and old blues gems, they are sure to make your feet tap and your booty shake.
More information can be found at www.teapadorchestra.co.uk
from the Box Office: 01803 882717
or from BATS volunteer agencies (see Buying Tickets )
Buy tickets securely online through: www.wegottickets.com
For more information visit http://www.teapadorchestra.co.uk/
Event Location
Brixham Theatre
Brixham Theatre
New road
Telephone: 01803 882 717
Email: brixtheatre@gmail.com
Website: http://www.teapadorchestra.co.uk/