Bridget Poulter / News / Wed 10 Jan 2018
Moving Through Menopause - the dance of transition

NEW group class at Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living supporting women negotiating the challenges of mid-life and menopause. Dance has long been used to mark life's milestones; this new class, based on Laban Movement and creative self-expression, seeks to provide both a containing environment for exploring themes relevant to 'change' through embodied movement whilst improving posture, balance, co-ordination and flexibility. No prior dance experience needed.
Photos: Louise Morris Photography
For more information visit https://www.letchworthcentre.org/classes/moving-life-marking-transition-dance-movement/
News Location
Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living
Website: https://www.letchworthcentre.org/classes/moving-life-marking-transition-dance-movement/