Bridget Arnold Silk Painting , Sun Printing and Flag Workshops
New Workshop Space
I have created a new Shaptor Studio garden workshop , for holding flag making, Sun Printing & Silk painting workshops
Workshops in my studio run regularly through the year
Silk Painting next dates are Saturday 2 March, Saturday 6 April , Saturday 11 May 2019
£40 to include a Tasty Home made Lunch
All equipment provided and Silk Material available to buy.
Sun Printing Workshops next dates, Saturday 30 March, Saturday 13 April, Tuesday 30 April Printing on paper and textiles, using the sun to capture plants or found objects
I do run community workshops in Bovey Tracey making Flags for the Town to celebrate life there and what it means to live on the edge of the Moors.
You can book a bespoke flag making workshop with me to design your own unique flag
Suitable for families, with tuition for beginners on sewing machines.
View my website http://bridgetarnold.blogspot.co.uk/
My Location
Shaptor Studio
1 Ashburton Close,
Bovey Tracey
Newton Abbot
TQ13 9EF
Telephone: 01626 833 130
Email: bridgetarnold66@gmail.com
Website: http://bridgetarnold.blogspot.co.uk/
Sun Printing Workshops / Sun 10 Feb 2019
As the days get longer Sun Printing workshops will start again Come and celebrate the start of summer by doing a workshop capturing plants or found ...
Granite Elements Exhibition / Sun 10 Feb 2019
Inspired by Yarner Wood Exhibition by Granite Elements at Ullacombe Farm Barn 1- 7 June 2019 10 - 5 everyday Textiles, ceramics, sculpture, origin...
Granite Elements Winter Exhibition / Fri 09 Nov 2018
Granite Elements Winter Exhibition at TAAG in Teignmouth Saturday 17 November - Friday 23 November 10 -5 Daily Granite Element Artists, Bridget A...
Granite Elements Winter Exhibition / Fri 09 to Fri 23 Nov 2018 (2 weeks)
Granite Elements Winter Exhibition at TAAG in Teignmouth Saturday 17 November - Friday 23 November 10 - 5 Daily Granite Element Artists Bridge...
Silk painting Workshops / Sat 04 Aug to Fri 28 Sep 2018 (2 months)
There are on going workshops run regularly to take part in Silk painting , a fun filled day with time to learn the process and make something to take ...
Devon Open Studios / Sat 08 to Sun 16 Sep 2018 (1 week)
Granite Elements are venue 90 of Devon Open Studios showing work in the Natural England Reserve at Yarner Wood in the Woodland Centre Linking with H...
My Opportunities
Shaptor Studio B & B / Tue 16 Aug 2016
As part of my portfolio I run a B & B as well, so that people can come and stay and do a workshop as well. Some people just come to stay to explor...
Devon Artist Network Family Art Workshops / Fri 28 Mar 2014
I am organising Family Art Workshops for Devon Artist Network keep an eye on the website www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk and their E Bulletins sent out t...
My Spaces
Shaptor Studio
Shaptor Studio Creative Textiles workshop space With sewing machines available Could be used for small groups for other creative workshops