Breda Holden / Events / Tue 04 Feb to Tue 11 Mar 2014 (1 month)
Experimental Watercolour Flowers with Breda Holden

Watercolour Flowers using watercolour and mixed media.
Through demonstration, theory and practice, you will gain confidence in basic techniques which will be a springboard to develop more expressive paintings. The versatility of flower and plant forms along with the immediacy of watercolour will allow you to take risks, explore the exciting medium of watercolour and develop your own form of expression.
Harbour House, The Promenade, Kingsbridge, Devon , TQ7 1JD
Tuesday mornings 10 am - 1pm
For more information ,please contact breda.holden1@btinternet.com
For more information visit http://www.bredaholdenart.com/
Event Location
Website: http://www.bredaholdenart.com/