Breda Holden / News / Fri 04 Apr 2014
Experimental Watercolour and Mixed Media with Breda Holden

The essence of watercolour will be explored with emphasis on a more intuitive approach to painting. Through demonstation, theory and practice, you will develop confidence with wet-in-wet techniques and discover how to make your paintings 'sing'. You will learn to loosen up, experiment and play with textural techniques using watercolour and mixed media to create expressive results. Inspiration will be from nature including wild flowers, plant forms and local landscape.
Dartside Art Studio
Unit 4
The Stables
Ford Rd
Totnes Industrial Estate
Totnes Devon
Please e mail breda.holden1@btinternet.com for more information
For more information visit http://www.bredaholdenart.com/
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Website: http://www.bredaholdenart.com/