Breda Holden Breda Holden Watercolour and Mixed Media Painter
My paintings aim to express a sense of seeing 'beyond the usual' often experienced when immersed in the landscape. Playing with the transparency and movement of watercolour and mixed media, I try to create a sense of mystery, removed from the physical reality of the subject. Above all it is the emotional energy which excites me through my interaction with the forces of nature.
The wilds of Dartmoor, the River Dart and the South West coastline are my inspiration.
I am fascinated by how experiencing and observing the landscape and its ever changing elements connects us to the natural world and generates a sense of awakening, curiosity, wonder and wellbeing
View my website http://www.bredaholdenart.com/
My Location
3 Southcote Orchard
Telephone: 07884 181 250
Email: breda.holden1@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.bredaholdenart.com/
My News
Experimental Watercolour and Mixed Media with Breda Holden / Fri 04 Apr 2014
The essence of watercolour will be explored with emphasis on a more intuitive approach to painting. Through demonstation, theory and practice, you wil...
Dartside Art Studio / Fri 17 May 2013
I have moved to a bright new studio on the banks of the River Dart. To visit please call : Dartside Art Studio Unit 4, The Stables, Ford Rd, Totnes...
My Events
Totnes and Dartington Open Studios / Fri 24 to Mon 27 May 2019 (4 days)
Totnes and Dartington Open Studios 2019 are holding a taster exhibition at Birdwood House Gallery, High St Totnes, TQ9 5SQ SAT 13 - SAT 20 APRIL OPE...
Totnes and Dartington Open Studios / Fri 23 to Tue 27 May 2014 (5 days)
Demonstrations of watercolour and mixed media techniques will be held during exhibition. Dates 23May - 27 May 2014 Opening T...
Experimental Watercolour Flowers with Breda Holden / Tue 04 Feb to Tue 11 Mar 2014 (1 month)
Watercolour Flowers using watercolour and mixed media. Through demonstration, theory and practice, you will gain confidence in basic techniques whi...