An example of one of Booster's Big Book Theatre shows 'Big Book Tall Tales'.
Big Book Tall Tales is an old story that takes place in a forgotten tattered library. The caretaker arrives to check the place over. He talks to the audience about his love of books. While cleaning, the caretaker finds an old Big Book (6ft). He discovers the story has gone; all the words in it have been washed away. So he starts to think of a story.
The battered pages are all different colours. He uses the colours left on the pages to suggest things that may have been in the story. The caretaker falls into the book and is transformed into “Book Man”. “Book Man” has a problem – he needs to find the rainbow that ends his story. This leads us to turn the pages; on each page we meet a new character from the water cycle.
For more information visit http://www.boostercushiontheatreforchildren.com/bigbooktalltales