This show is a mixture of Alice In Wonderland and the Three Billy Goats Gruff story with a Big Book that can transform from a book, to a tea party and even into a bridge!
Alan, Alice’s brother has heard about Alice getting stuck in Wonderland at the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. She has been eating too many cakes which turned her into a troll and she keeps eating EVERYTHING. Alan knows the best people to ask for help are the Three Goats, experts in troll situations – who teach Alan the best way to turn a troll back into a human and he helps them get back over the bridge!
Children get to have lots of fun in this surreal show, taking part as Mad Hatter’s at the tea party complete with our mad hat props, help Alan to drink a cup of tea to get into the tea party and even becoming trolls under the bridge. Booster always aims for lots of child participation and this definitely is one of our shows with the most!
For more information visit http://www.boostercushiontheatreforchildren.com/alaninwonderlandandthethreegoatsplus/