Blue Monkey Network, supported by Eastbourne College invites you to
Blue Monkey Network invites you to an Open Day at the end of our SHARED SPACE mini-residency on Saturday 19th July 2014, 4pm to 7pm at
The Casson Art School, Eastbourne College, College Road, Eastbourne
(entrance off College Road opposite Towner, or via Old Wish Road)
Artists - all welcome. FREE to Blue Monkey Network members; £5 non-members
Shared Space is a short mini-residency for six Blue Monkey Network artist-members. The six artists will share a workspace for two weeks with the aim of exploring new ways of working alongside each other in a creative environment, without any pressure to make finished work or an end product. Shared Space provides the chance to work on a larger scale than usual, to respond to the space and to each other, to experiment and explore new ideas, individually or collaboratively, without any preconceived agenda or expectation of outcomes.
The Open Day is timed to coincide with events at Towner (www.townereastbourne.org.uk/events/), so you can start your afternoon off at 3pm with talks by Matthew Cornford at the East Sussex Open or James Russell talking about Peggy Angus, and then come on over the road to Shared Space at Eastbourne College to meet the Shared Space artists, have a glass of wine and talk about the work.
The six:
Claire Shoosmith
Angela Smith angelasmithart.com/
Felicity Truscott felicitytruscott.com
Judith Alder judithalder-live.co.uk
Pat Thornton patriciathornton.co.uk/
Sharon Haward sharonhaward.com/
The venue – Eastbourne College, Old Wish Rd, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 4JY. The art school studios are situated behind The Birley Centre, opposite Towner on College Road. Access can be gained by walking from Old Wish Road, or via the blue gate opposite Towner.
With special thanks to Eastbourne College for their most valuable support by providing the use of their spaces to our artists free of charge.
For more information visit http://bluemonkeysharedspace.wordpress.com/about/
Event Location
The Casson Art School
Eastbourne College,
College Road,
BN21 4JY
Email: bluemonkeynetcat@btinternet.com
Website: http://bluemonkeysharedspace.wordpress.com/about/