We will be meeting online via Zoom again this month for a talk & discussion led by Nikki Davidson-Bowman. She will be joined by three more Blue Monkey Network artists to talk about the use of external set creative challenges to make work, and ultimately to discuss whether the effort of doing these challenges is a distraction or potentially develops your practice: Playing by the Rules.
Nikki Davidson-Bowman is a multi-media artist and curator, whose practice is inspired by female stories of resilience, brought to life through the use of found ephemera, words and natural things. She has taken part in two 30 Works in 30 days challenges as well as one A poem a day, for 10 days. She will be joined in sharing work from these challenges, and talking about the various processes used, by Judith Alder, June Nelson and Stephanie Grainger.
Nikki has been a BMN member since 2014 and works out of her home studio in Bexhill-on-Sea.
www.nikkidavidsonbowman.com @nikkidbartist
https://www.judithalder.com/ @judith.alder
http://www.junenelson.co.uk/ @junenelsonart
http://www.stephaniegrainger.co.uk/ http://www.graingerburnside.co.uk/ @stephoursteph
To get in the mood for this event, you might want to check out the 100 Day Project which starts online on 13th February 2022, and which will be one of our discussion topics – more details can be found at https://www.the100dayproject.org or on their Instagram @dothe100dayproject
6.30pm Free for BMN members. There is no fixed charge for online events, but a suggested donation of £3 from guests would be greatly appreciated. BMN is not for profit and all funds go towards paying our speakers and organisers.
If you would like to attend, or require further information, please email bluemonkeynetcat@gmail.com and a Zoom link will be sent to you closer to the time.
Blue Monkey Network is run by artists for artists, in partnership with Towner Eastbourne, and is entirely funded by membership subscriptions and donations. Many thanks to all our supporters.
Image: Nikki Davidson-Bowman: The Sun Shines Out – in development & final piece Embroidered found photograph, Day 26 30 Works 30 Days 2021.
For more information visit https://townereastbourne.org.uk/whats-on/across-sussex/blue-monkey-network-playing-by-the-rules
Event Location
via Zoom
Telephone: 01323 720 948
Email: bluemonkeynetcat@gmail.com
Website: https://townereastbourne.org.uk/whats-on/across-sussex/blue-monkey-network-playing-by-the-rules