Blue Monkey Network / Events / Thu 20 Oct 2016
Let's Talk About...Conceptual Art

Let’s Talk About… Conceptual Art
Thursday 20th October 2016, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
at Towner, Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4JJ
FREE to Blue Monkey Network members; £5.00 others.
In response to the recent Conceptual Art exhibition at Tate Britain and TV series of the same name screened recently on BBC4, we thought we'd dedicate our October event to this sometimes controversial subject. We hope you can join us for an informal evening of discussion.
Conceptual art – deep and meaningful or trite and cynical? Clever and funny or dry and drab? Do contemporary artists still make conceptual art or is it a thing of the past? Do YOU make conceptual art? Do we all make conceptual art? What does it all mean?
The evening will be kicked off by Blue Monkey’s Judith Alder, sharing her impressions of the exhibition, Conceptual Art in Britain, 1964–79, at Tate Britain earlier this year, and the recent BBC4 series Conceptual Art screened last month. Judith will take a look at some of the artists and artworks which are part of this diverse movement and open up the opportunity for discussion.
If you have a favourite piece of conceptual art, or a most hated piece, come along and share it with us and tell us why it makes you feel the way you do. If you have a particular piece you’d like us to talk about, e-mail details of the artist and title to Judith at bluemonkeynet@btinternet.com so we can get an image of the work to show everyone on the day.
During the early part of the evening we’ll also be welcoming two recent additions to the Towner team, Marina Castledine and Esther Springett. Marina will be coming along to tell us more about a development opportunity for a Blue Monkey Network early career artist to take part in a new Towner initiative, Alternative Viewpoints, an event in which artists and others are invited to lead a small group activity in the gallery responding to Towner’s exhibitions from a personal perspective.
We hope you can join us.
Image: Now this is not just a pencil sharpener. But is it conceptual art?
For more information visit http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/lets-talk-about-conceptual-art/
Event Location
Devonshire Park,
College Road,
BN21 4JJ
Telephone: 01323 434 670
Email: towner@townereastbourne.org.uk
Website: http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/lets-talk-about-conceptual-art/