Blue Monkey Network / Events / Wed 25 Jan 2017
Exchange: Three Artists Share Recent Projects

Continuing our occasional EXCHANGE series creating opportunities for artists to share some of the rich and wide ranging knowledge and experience that exists within our arts community.
Three Blue Monkey Network artists have recently been successful in gaining support which has made a real and tangible difference to their arts practices. Angela Smith was awarded an a-n Professional Development Bursary which has enabled her to take advantage of crucial learning and mentoring opportunities throughout 2016, while Felicity Truscott and Rachael Adams have both recently been successful in gaining Arts Council funding for new projects. Angela, Rachael and Felicity will join us to share their experiences and tell us more about how these developments have impacted on their practices.
Angela Smith was awarded a bursary to enable her to undertake a sustained period of structured mentoring as well as training to improve her social media skills. Angela is approaching the end of her bursary year and will tell us if and how it’s made a difference to her practice. http://www.angelasmithart.com/home
Felicity Truscott has recently been awarded a Grant for the Arts from Arts Council England for her Revolution and Resonance project in which she will learn new practical skills from an experienced artist and make new three dimensional outdoor work, as well as running practical workshops and benefitting from mentoring throughout the project. Revolution and Resonance will take place during spring/summer 2017. http://www.felicitytruscott.com/
Rachael Adams has also received a Grant for the Arts from Arts Council England for ‘The Spinney’, a research & development project exploring Spirit of Place – a location’s distinctive atmosphere – as experienced by those on the geographical fringes. Rachael has mapped a liminal landscape with photography and sound, and engaged with local residents to share stories, knowledge and memories of the marginal edges of Woodingdean. The project took place between September and December 2016. http://scrutineer.co.uk/
All welcome.
FREE to Blue Monkey Network members; non-members £5.
Refreshments will be available (contributions welcome) or feel free to bring a bottle.
Image: Rachael Adams, The Spinney
For more information visit http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/exchange-three-artists-share-recent-projects/
Event Location
Devonshire Park,
College Road,
BN21 4JJ
Telephone: 01323 434 670
Email: towner@townereastbourne.org.uk
Website: http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/exchange-three-artists-share-recent-projects/