Blue Monkey Network / Events / Wed 27 Jul 2016
5 X 5 (+1): Six Sussex artists talk about their work

This popular event provides an opportunity for six artist-presenters to brush up on their presentation skills, as well as a chance for Sussex artists to get to know each other better and explore the breadth and diversity of artistic practice in the region. The six artists will each talk for five minutes and show 15 images of, or relating to their work in these short and snappy Pecha Kucha style presentations.
The talks will be followed by time for discussion, chat and refreshments.
This month’s 5x5(+1) event has been curated and organised for Blue Monkey Network by artist Nikki Davidson-Bowman. The six presenters work across a diverse range of media and disciplines and represent all stages of career development. The six are:
Ken Barrett www.kenbarrettstudio.co.uk/
April Yasamee https://aprilyasamee.com/
Judy Martin http://www.judymartinpainter.wordpress.com http://www.judymartin.co.uk
Jules Mitchell http://cargocollective.com/nowweare7/Jules-Mitchell
Claire Shoosmith https://bluemonkeysharedspace.wordpress.com/claire-shoosmith/
Karen Tilley http://www.karentilley.com/
Image: Claire Choosmith - Feather Mask 2
6-8pm. Artists - all welcome
FREE to Blue Monkey Network members; £5 non-members
Refreshments will be available (contributions welcome) or please feel free to bring a bottle
For more information visit http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/bluemonkey-5x5/
Event Location
Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne
BN21 4JJ
Telephone: 01323 434 670
Email: towner@townereastbourne.org.uk
Website: http://www.townereastbourne.org.uk/event/bluemonkey-5x5/