Bloom1 Ltd

Bloom1 Ltd / Opportunities / Sun 10 Feb 2013

Junior PHP Developer - (Future Web Guru in Training)

Junior PHP Developer  -  (Future Web Guru in Training)

Junior PHP Developer | Full time, permanent position

About Us

echo“Doing it all and Doing it the best - when it comes to Design & Development...”;
// If any of the above makes you squeamish,
// maybe this isn’t the right position for you. Sorry... Honestly, we are really sorry.

We are a passionate, highly motivated, full service agency who value quality of service, morals and customer satisfaction above all else.

As a small team, we are looking for a new member of the family to head up our web development and own it. We know that individually we rock, but as a part of a focused agency we can make the earth move, no really – we can. We love After Effects!

We are looking for someone to join our team who wants the opportunity to grow their career with no limits as to where you can take the role, whilst also enjoying the support of likeminded folks around you.

At every stage of your work, you will have ownership of the creative process, so feel free to show off a little.

The PHP Developer we are looking for has

• An overwhelming desire to create the best sites on the web
• A need to push design and development with bang up to date technology
• No fear of clients, you need to be able to say things that they might need to know but are afraid to hear
• Great verbal skills, we need you to translate technology to non technical people
• Burning curiosity. A need to know more is where we are at
• Great craftsmanship. You will take great pride in the creation and presentation of your code
Beautiful Websites have Beautiful Code
• Medication to prevent a serious allergic reaction from any exposure to IE6-8
• A slick Portfolio (even if its personal stuff) so we can admire your work

It would be nice if you were also

• Confident in creating OOP PHP for use in an MVC structured application or two
• Responsive ready – but hey, we understand its still progressing
• Highly skilled in the making of great coffee, (3 Years+ Barister Experience a plus)
• A religious follower of Smashing Magazine
• A great laugh outside of the office too

So, do you think you have what it takes?

If at least all of these statements sound like the kind of things your friends would say about you, let us know. We love to take care of our team, hey we even pay them too!

Send something unusual (plus the usual CV and covering letter) to:

If you can bring all this to our table, we will reward your efforts with up to £20,000 in the first year.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location


Linhay Business Park
Eastern Road
TQ13 7UP

Telephone: 01364 651 864

Opportunity Details

Opportunity Types

