Practise your drawing skills or begin drawing with us at our creative life drawing classes. With costumed models, props and music, we create a theatrical vibe that will have you sketching, scribbling and drawing in a relaxed and fun environment.
Over the coming months you could be drawing circus characters, 70's disco dancers or even post apocalypse vigilantes! Join us for September's theme - an homage to some of the original music festivals of the 60's. Come and immerse yourself in some groovy 1960's music and some creative life drawing at our far out theme: 1960's Music Festivals. The website link provides you with all the information you need. All welcome, from the age of 12 years and upwards, for artists and those new to drawing - just as long as you want to improve your drawing skills. Tuition available too.
For more information visit https://www.billielovesart.com/
Event Location
Maltings Arts Theatre
26, The Maltings, St Albans AL1 3HL. Next door to the Library.
Telephone: 07932 718 975
Email: billie@billielovesart.com
Website: https://www.billielovesart.com/