Better Tomorrows CiC

Better Tomorrows CiC Recycling Sculpture Challenge 2012

Better Tomorrows Recycling Sculpture Challenge 2012 will be the fourth year for this increasing prestigious competition. This Sculpture Challenge has encouraged the West Sussex 6th Form Colleges and Universities within their curriculum work to support and communicate the Waste Prevention message within West Sussex communities over the last three years. Cash prizes and the opportunity to have their sculpture/s displayed at the Cass Foundation for 6 months plus other venues within West Sussex have been a great incentive for the students to take part and has been a successful means to communicate the Waste Prevention message. For information on how to take part in this Challenge go to the website below or call 01243 777177. The closing date is 30th November 2011.

Better Tomorrows is a Community Interest Company based in West Sussex and was established in 2007 as a vehicle to drive forward behavioural and cultural change in the community in order to meet the increasing need to live our lives in a more sustainable manner. The objective is to prevent /reduce waste at source. As we are all in various ways part of a community - Better Tomorrows ethos is engagement with the community to open doors of change and opportunity. We will invite all areas of the Community to partner with us in making change happen. Our throw-away culture is now recognised as an ever-increasing major problem and is linked to key issues such as climate change, greehouse gas emissions, global warming and pollution. Better Tomorrows are continuing to create new ways to communicate that what we in fact are throwing away is a valuable resource, and initiatives such as the Recycling Sculpture Challenge portrays this message through artistic means.

Video link to 2011 Event at the Cass Foundation:

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Better Tomorrows

9 Donnington Park
85 Birdham Road
West Sussex

PO20 7AJ

Telephone: 01243 777 177

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