Beth Designs... / News / Sun 24 Mar 2013

When it comes to work, I have a little motto: You spend so much of your life working, you've got to make sure it's something you enjoy. I never could understand colleagues who hate their job but carry on doing it, just because it's well paid. What's the point of having lots of money if you are miserable the majority of the week?
Now, having an arts background means that whenever I'm not doing graphic design I'm always tinkering with something crafty. I'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to creative work - discovering an exciting new technique, trying it out for myself and then moving onto the next shiny thing. My cupboard is full of artist's materials that haven't seen the light of day for years (much to my husband's annoyance!).
However, I've recently stumbled upon papercuts and think it is the craft for me: it uses my graphic design skills to come up with the designs, plus I'm quite a dab hand with a knife (craft knife I may add!), plus it doesn't take up much room so is practical in our tiny flat. So far, I have done a couple of presents for friends, a Valentine's card for my hubby and have just finished my first commission. You can view my handywork on Pinterest, just click on the link below:
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