Ben Yates / Events / Sat 29 May to Sun 06 Jun 2010 (1 week)
Six Days of Art 2010 at Mallands Barn

On the last weekend of May and first weekend of June I will be opening and sharing my studio with other Teign Artists' this month for the Six Days of Art. Expect to see Photo-Cubist work based on photos taken on a trip around the fantastic landscapes of South America, as well as a new development of the Electri-City. Don't miss it!
Other exhibitng artists will be Ian and Barbara Steele, Jacqui Frost, and Mike Yates, plus our woodland sculpture trail will be as full and entrancing as ever.
For more information visit http://www.teignartists.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.teignartists.co.uk/