BEEE Creative / Events / Sat 25 Mar 2017
Dance Re:Ignite: Dance Practitioner CPD with Diane Amans

Saturday 25 March 2017, 9.30am - 2.00pm
The Weston Auditorium, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, AL10 9EU
The day offers dance artists and instructors, who are delivering dance sessions for people aged over 55 years, practical advice and fresh ideas to take away and develop with their own groups. It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet and network with other practitioners, to share ideas and experiences.
You will get creative ideas for leading dance on a one to one basis with individuals or with very small groups of older people, including seated activities for ideas for engaging people who are in chairs or bed. It will also include practical ideas to tempt older people who are not motivated to take part in dance, looking at a range of ways to engage those who usually choose not to engage in physical activity. Participants will consider different ways in which dance has the potential to engage people’s imagination and creativity, together with a discussion of how this is ‘exercise by stealth’.
The session will be delivered by the highly experienced independent community dance artist and CPD consultant, Diane Amans. Diane has over thirty years experience of leading dance activities and creating dance work with a diverse range of community groups. This includes working with the health and social care sector to make dance accessible to people living with dementia. She is also the author of 'The Introduction to Community Dance Practice' and 'Age and Dancing' published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Tickets: Free to artists/practitioners living or working in Hertfordshire. £15 for artists/practitioners outside of Hertfordshire.
To book use the Eventbrite link below:
For more information visit http://www.beee-skilled.co.uk/wp/dance-reignite-artist-training/
Event Location
The Weston Auditorium
The Weston Auditorium, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
AL10 9EU
Telephone: 07971 171 061
Email: carrie@beee-creative.co.uk
Website: http://www.beee-skilled.co.uk/wp/dance-reignite-artist-training/