BEEE Creative invites you to take part in a workshop with Animation Director Shaun Clark where you will learn the tricks and magic of animation. You will use an animation technique called pixilation and will star in your own animation. Suitable for 11 - 16 year olds.
Resources you will need include: A Laptop/Ipad/tablet/smart phone (Android or Apple) which you can download applications on and a webcam (either a separate webcam or a inbuilt webcam)
The workshop is free of charge, if you would like to take part please fill in the booking form below.
Booking form link: https://forms.gle/jzYASj8VUJfceQky9
If you are unable to take part in the online session and would like an activity pack sent out to you instead please email Carrie Washington carrie@beee-creative.co.uk or call 07971 171061.
For more information visit http://www.beee-creative.co.uk/
Event Location
Telephone: 07971 171 061
Email: carrie@beee-creative.co.uk
Website: http://www.beee-creative.co.uk/