Becky Nuttall / Events / Thu 13 Apr 2017
Poetry Island @The Blue Walnut Cafe Walnut Road ChelstonTorquay

Poetry Island @The Blue Walnut Cafe Walnut Road Chelston Torquay
Doors open 7:30pm
Ian Beech presents:
Ian Beech hosts and performs alongside a full cast of talented
performance poets from across the South West plus star headliners Annie Fisher & Varun Bhaskar.
Still seats available. To reserve seats, please email ianbeechpoetry@btinternet.com or contact Ian's mobile 07866-181384 £6.00 entry.
Annie Fisher is a freelance literacy consultant and storyteller. She enjoys writing both light and serious verse and has been published in a number of online and print magazines including Acumen, Angle, Ink Sweat and Tears, Lighten Up Online, Obsessed with Pipework, Other Poetry, South, Snakeskin and The Frogmore Papers.
Annie joined Fire River Poets in 2013 after winning a prize in the group’s 2012 competition. She is a regular performer at FRP events in Taunton and appears at various poetry evenings across the South West.
Annie’s pamphlet, Infinite In All Perfections, was published by HappenStance in November 2016:
A story-teller, with a background in primary education, she draws on memories of a Catholic upbringing, as well as work in schools. She knows about loss of faith, and loss of face, knows from the inside how confidence gets lost—and reasserted. This is a poet with an eye for mischief, an ear for rhythm and form, delicious deftness of touch, and incorrigible joy in the process of creation.
“Annie Fisher’s poetry exudes charm, wit and joie de vivre. Her delightful words will gladden your heart.” Ian Beech, Poetry Island
Varun Bhaskar is an accidental poet who started writing to express his thoughts on his life in motion. As someone who moved to the UK from India, life here always presented him with interesting experiences, new faces to learn from and a strong yearning to be always open to something new.
When writing, his favourite themes are about life, people, identity, growing up and belonging. He believes in simple words, lyrical rhythm and is in love with the beauty of awkwardness in reality and how words fall together when they are in sync with meandering emotions.
When he is not writing, he works as a postdoctoral biologist in Cambridge. Looking forward to the future, he hopes that his life will lead him into many new experiences and opportunities to express himself through nights like this.
“Varun's delicate poetry is always delivered with a gentle calm. Guaranteed to soothe the savage breast.” Tim King, Taking the Mic, Exeter
“Varun’s lyricism transports the listener to a world of gentle contemplation, a journey full of subtle, heartfelt sentiments and perceptive observations.” Ian Beech, Poetry Island
Part One
Sam Boarer
Tony Watts
Ellie Davies
Paul Mortimer
Becky Nuttall
Part Two
Susan Jordan
Tim King
Elaine Jarvest Miller
Robert Garnham
Part Three
Varun Bhaskar
Annie Fisher
For more information visit http://www.beckynuttall.com/
Event Location
The Blue Walnut Cafe Walnut Road Chelston Torquay
Website: http://www.beckynuttall.com/