Bea's Wax! / Events / Sat 06 to Sat 13 Apr 2013 (1 week)
Toads Theatre Company present 'A Tale Of Two Cities'

April 6th – 13th
ATale Of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens. Adapted for the stage by Mark Fitzgibbons
Toads Theatre Company. The Little Theatre St Marks Road Meadfoot Torquay TQ1 2EL
Box Office 01803 299330
Coffee shop & bar open before the performance and the bar is open after the performance until 11pm.
There is no performance on Sundays.
All performances start at 7.30pm
Director - Nigel Howells
Assistant Director - Helen Gould
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ...’
Those immortal words, all the more poignant in these days of cutbacks and miserable weather, but Toads Theatre Company remain determined to bring you the very best in amateur dramatics despite such adversity! Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!@ToadsLT
A Tale Of Two Cities.
The story is set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution and is one of Dickens most famous works. Director Nigel Howells depicts the action of London and Paris between 1775 and 1792 set in an English innyard, allowing for scenes to take place in many different times and places. With a cast of twenty eight the stage will reverberate with Royalty and protagonists, most notably Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton, and an array of citizens of England and France. Dickens compared the plight of the French peasantry demoralized by the French aristocracy in the years leading up to the revolution and the corresponding brutality demonstrated by the revolutionaries toward the former aristocrats in the early years of the revolution, and wrote about the many unflattering social parallels with life in London during the same time period.
When Dickens was writing A Tale Of Two Cities, English inns were experiencing hard times and in an attempt to improve business, inexpensively produced entertainments were presented in the innyards and is the reason for this wonderful production being staged within such a perfect setting.
In their dual roles as the play’s narrators and directors, the four innkeepers, listed in the programme as the Kings and Queens of England and France, also perform the parts of the story’s minor characters. In addition, the Innkeepers/Narrators solve another dilemma faced by the adaptor which is to preserve as much of the novel’s narrative as possible.
Not to be missed!
For more information visit
Event Location
Toads Theatre Company
The Little Theatre
St Marks Road
Telephone: 01803 299 330