Be More Outdoors / News / Wed 21 Feb 2018
Babes in the Wood Family Forest School

3 acres of woods, wildflower meadow & growing area bordered by a beautiful river. Run in the wildflower meadow, climb trees, sing songs, have fun in the mud kitchen, enjoy a story, do fun creative activities, make things using natural materials, enjoy hot chocolate & campfire snacks with your family every Friday morning, some Mondays and weekends too.
All our sessions run to a similar structure, including campfire snacks and drinks, interactive walking stories all culminating in a natural, exciting making activity.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/BabesInTheWoodForestSchool
News Location
Horsefield, near Upper Mills
Horsefield, near Upper Mills, Slaithwaite
Telephone: 07980 898 113
Email: caitlinsagan@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/BabesInTheWoodForestSchool