You call me you tell me you are opening a shop called the ******** and need a presence out there.
I say “Ok, have you got a logo”. You say “yes, but my daughter did it and she is 5”. I say “well maybe we can develop it or we look at other ideas” ( I made that bit up). You say you need shop signage, point of sale, website, mailers, bus cards and the rest of the stationery. You need the website to link to your shop database for purchases and so on (It’s a big shop).

So I go away do some sums and come back with an idea of cost broken down of most of the things you might need. Brand identity - logo design consisting of type face and graphic device, with accompanying slogan/tag line/sell line, brand type face for all literature, photography and images, copywriting for brochure, website, letterheads, comp slips, business cards, internal stationery, press ads, online banner adverts, website and social media, ongoing SEO if required, enewsletter for harvesting clients, printed brochure, direct marketing, mailer/postcards, product packaging/labelling, bags, point of sale, leaflets, labelling, window display, interior display.

You are pretty happy with the costs but some things you don’t need and a few other items, one the website 3k, is more than you thought it would be. I say “We can build it to your budget no problem. Your not planning to sell product on it”. You want to do your own copy, blog and social media, source your own bags, ok with me. You are so impressed with my knowledge and price the go ahead is given.

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My Location

Drover House
16 Adelaide Street
St Albans

Telephone: 01727 811 277

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