Batley Art Gallery / Events / Sat 14 Jun to Sat 30 Aug 2014 (3 months)
Change 2014

For the third consecutive year Batley-based community arts organisation Mosaic has teamed up with Batley Girls High School to run the Change project, which offers local children and adults the chance to work alongside professional artists and explore the theme of 'change' through visual art activities.
For 2014 schools and adult art groups from the Batley/Birstall area were invited to choose from printmaking, 3D textiles and digital art as the focus for their workshop sessions with artists Shelley Burgoyne, Fiona Goodwin and Lucy Bergman. The exhibition brings together the results of workshops in 11 schools and various community venues, and the talents of local people ages 7 to 70+. Colourful and diverse, it reflects the many different approaches to the 'change' theme chosen by the participating groups and the fun they each had learning, experimenting and creating together.
For more information visit http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/events/eventdetails.asp?evID=19811&evDtID=126601
Event Location
Batley Art Gallery
Market Place
West Yorkshire
WF17 5DA
Telephone: 01924 326 021
Email: mark.milnes@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: http://www.kirklees.gov.uk/events/eventdetails.asp?evID=19811&evDtID=126601