BarneyBrightGreenBrands Bright Green Brands - eco & ethical design
Hello, I'm Barney. I run Bright Green Brands, a specialist design company helping to give greener and more ethical organisations the chance to shine.
I work in many different areas, from Health Food Brands to High End Niche Brands, Campaign Groups, Charities and of course just Nice People! I can help you communicate clearly your unique personality and values, connecting you with like-minded customers who are most likely to invest in your products or services, or support your campaigns.
You'll work directly with me, from brief to production, so I can translate your message through concept to creation with values and ethics at the heart, increasing awareness and success through credible and crafted brand design.
View my website https://www.brightgreenbrands.com/
My Location
Telephone: 07930 748 883
Email: mail@brightgreenbrands.com
Website: https://www.brightgreenbrands.com/