Back to the Drawing Board / News / Thu 21 Aug 2014
New session start on the 4th September

Hi All
Our autumn season starts on 4th Septembers in Watford with regular sessions on Thursdays 1-3 PM and Friday evenings 7.30 - 9.30 PM. Session will run weekly, if there is sufficient sign ups
The life drawing class will run in the front room of this light and airy venue (details to be included in the email invitation). Ideally located in its own peaceful garden setting, yet a short distance from Watford town centre. The venue is fully accessible with disabled facilities.
The session are limited to 16 people, so please reply with your intention to attend to the invitation email once it is sent out (normally 6-7 days prior) to secure a place.
Session will cost £10, which covers the venue, model, drawing boards (of course) and refreshments at the mid-session break. I will collect cash fees at the end of the session.
Please bring your own drawing materials. I have listed some suggestions below for those new to drawing; nothing fancy needed. I will have some A2 sheets of plain paper and charcoal available for a small cost, for those that want it.
Suggested basic materials:
• Graphite pencil - HB or some Medium sized charcoal sticks
• Plain white cartridge paper (sketching book or loose sheets) - any weight is fine but around 120gsm is a good starting point if you are picking some up from the shops. Any size from A4 - A2 will work; half a dozen sheets minimum.
• A role of cheap decorators masking tape or bulldog clips to secure paper to the board as appropriate.
• A putty rubber and a pencil sharpener may be useful but not essential.
If for any reason your plans change and you can no longer make it I would ask that you let me know as soon as possible so any remaining places can be taken up.
For those that wish to, we will be going to a local pub afterwards for a coffee or drink to celebrate your achievements.
I look forward to seeing you there.