Babbacombe Theatre / News / Thu 07 Jul 2011
Babbacombe Theatre's mobile portal goes live.

The Babbacombe Theatre, Torquay, has something new to boast about and it’s not a new show, but a new star, albeit a ‘virtual’ one. The venue is one of the first in the country to have a dedicated mobile website.
The mobile phone as we all know is more of a social medium than a simple communicator; it’s an everyday accessory. We always want it nearby, it excites us with its variety of functions and can often leave us overwhelmed with its ever improving technology!
Usually it is the venues seasonal show that overwhelms the critics, this year it’s been the cast of Heatwave. They received many exciting reviews and it was the variety of their performances that earned the show 5 Stars. However this new addition to the Babbacombe Theatre’s cast is set to take centre stage, as it embraces the limelight and hopefully the people that get their hands on it will be as impressed with its functions?
Sharon Waring, the General Manager recalls when she first started at the Babbacombe Theatre in 1999,” All we had for communication was the phone line and a fax line, all our marketing was done via press advertising, poster displays and mail shots. How, times have changed with the ever evolving ‘virtual culture.’ The World Wide Web makes communication global and the social networking sites ensure new audiences are easier for us to communicate directly with. It is paramount to the future of this fabulous venue to stay one step ahead of the competition… well at the very least to keep trying to!”
“We witnessed a significant increase in the trend for mobile devices being used to access the theatres current website, so our 25th anniversary year, seemed the ideal time to review and implement a new marketing strategy that encompassed the needs of these visitors, after all the truly ‘wired world’ citizen is a phone and computer user on a routine basis”.
Notably Babbacombe Theatre in Torquay is amongst one of the first theatres in the country to launch a dedicated mobile portal for the website. Created by mobile developer, onmobl.com and with noddleit.com to drive the social element, the theatre is confident that when accessing www.babbacombe-theatre.com to see details of the forthcoming shows, via your mobile device, your online experience will now be as easy as reading ABC.
Watch your phone, because it’s now the image of the future being made and Babbacombe Theatre is right up there with it!
For more information visit http://www.babbacombe-theatre.com/news/index.php?id=131
News Location
Babbacombe Theatre
Babbacombe Downs Road
Telephone: 01803 328 385
Email: info@babbacombe-theatre.com
Website: http://www.babbacombe-theatre.com/news/index.php?id=131