Art with Tricia / Events / Sat 07 Dec 2019
Life Drawing: Saturday Workshop 7th December 2019

10am to 3:30pm
Spend the morning sketching and the afternoon creating your own prints from your sketches.
This course is suitable for all levels as individual support will be given to help you get the most out of the day.
The day will be made up of a morning of poses from 2 minute to 15 minute exploring measuring techniques, form, structure and line. Then in the afternoon you will then be able to create your own bespoke print/s from your morning's sketches. You will be able to either create a series of mono prints exploring line and colour or a lino print using positive and negative colour.
Booking essential
For more information visit https://triciajohnson.wixsite.com/artist/online-store/Life-Drawing-Saturday-Workshop-7th-December-2019-p81125259
Event Location
West worthing Baptist Church
West Worthing Baptist Church, 45 South St, Worthing, West Sussex
BN14 7LU
Email: artwithtricia@gmail.com
Website: https://triciajohnson.wixsite.com/artist/online-store/Life-Drawing-Saturday-Workshop-7th-December-2019-p81125259