Arttastic Gina Suzette - Artist at Arttastic

Im an artist in Batley and work in Acrylic, watercolour and Resin. I run classes from my studio and offer commissions, and showcase my work at exhibition and events. All my work begins from personal experiences whether that's the subject matter or the techniques I use. It might start out by being a place I've been or a feeling that something/someone has evoked in me. These ideas build in my head until it feels appropriate to paint on canvas or construct the art work. I'm always experimenting with techniques and materials and so sometimes I may have an idea for a subject but it doesn’t come to fruition until I have found the technique or material to bring it to life. Or the other way, I find a technique but don’t use it until I find an inspiration that will do it justice. I like to get some inspiration from other artists and constantly try out new techniques, some I put my own spin on and some I put to the back of my tool kit for maybe use another day. Once an idea is ready I like to work directly on the canvas therefore I very rarely create drawings and sketches as these form in my head. I work the whole canvas at the same time, I block out basic colours decide where the light is coming from and then paint in layers. At the moment, most of my work is created using Canvas, Board/wood, Resin, Acrylic and are connected through the use of bright colours, depth and light. The subjects that I tend to use are based around nature. I like to capture little elements of natural beauty whether that’s gorgeous colours in the sky to Woodlands, landscapes, water and during lockdown 1 I discovered a liking for painting wildlife like my tiger.
My biggest passion is 'painting' whether that’s on canvas or between layers of resin. I can get lost in it and can often be found painting into the night. The marks I make on the canvas are not always technically correct as I'm self taught. I don’t feel constrained by the 'rules' of what equipment I should and shouldn’t use as I've never been told and my belief is that art comes from within and there are no rules in how you create those marks.

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My Location


C28 upper rear grd floor
Carlinghow mills
Bradford rd
WF17 8LL

Telephone: 07986 661 060

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