Arts Society Huddersfield / Events / Thu 17 Nov 2022
The Nativity (Social history of the favourite biblical scene)

Nirvana Romell
The scene of Nativity is one of the most recognizable themes in the western art. However, prior to the middle ages, the artists were more focused on the Magi and the scene of Epiphany. The Nativity tableau, as we recognize it today, was established only in the 13th century, arguably as a consequence of the power-struggles between the popes and successive Holy Roman Emperors. Using the art of Giotto, Botticelli, van der Goes, Rubens and others as illustrations, the lecture explains the origins and the social history of the beloved scene.
For more information visit http://www.theartssocietyhuddersfield.co.uk/
Event Location
University of Huddersfield
The lecture starts at 7.30pm. Please be seated 10 minutes before in
Room SJG/11
Spärck Jones Building
University of Huddersfield
Telephone: 07789 696 271
Email: dollypearson@aol.com
Website: http://www.theartssocietyhuddersfield.co.uk/