Arts Marketing Symposium / Events / Fri 09 Jun 2017
15th Annual Arts Marketing Symposium

The 2017 UH Arts Marketing Symposium's theme will be "Presenting your Work". The day will include a range of academic presentations, Industry speakers and interactive workshops discussing the various aspects of presenting art work both physically and online.
The free event is open to all, typical attendees include Academics, Students, Artists, Arts Managers and Arts Marketers.
The day begins at 9:30am with academic presentations and ends at 6:30pm following a networking tea in partnership with Creative Hertfordshire.
Refreshments including lunch are provided.
The event is free but places need to be booked for catering purposes
What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?
Free parking is available on campus. The De Havilland Campus is a short bus ride from Hatfield Station, which is only 20 minutes from Kings Cross station.
Event Location
University of Hertfordshire
De Havilland Campus
Mosquito Way
AL10 9BL
Email: m.thomas@herts.ac.uk