Arts & Health South West / Events / Tue 17 Nov 2009
Arts & Health South West: Showcase 2009

17th November, 2009
11am-4pm (10.45am Registration/Coffee)
The AHSW Showcase offers you a unique opportunity to see and sample some of the exciting arts and health work that is currently happening here in the South West. In addition, AHSW will be celebrating with you its key achievements over the past 4 years and will give you a platform to influence its future vision. Tell us what you need and how you think arts and health work can and should be supported in the region.
Who should attend?
Artists and Arts Organisations
Healthcare professionals including those working in General Practice
People working in Public Health
Hospital Arts Co-ordinators
Arts Therapists
People working in Local Authorities (including Arts Development, Children’s and Young People’s services, Health and Social Services)
People working in the Voluntary / Community Sector involved in health and social care
People working in the medical humanities
People working in education
Location: Somerset College of Arts & Technology
Venue Address: Conference Centre, Somerset College of Arts & Technology
Wellington Road, Taunton, Somerset. TA1 5AX
AHSW Members: £10 (for lunch)
Non Members: £30 Individuals, £45 Organisations
(price includes lunch & membership to AHSW until 31st March, 2010)
For more information click here:
If you would like to exhibit your work or book a place contact:
Arts & Health South West
Po Box 2696
Bristol BS2 2AL
0117 907 3861
For more information visit