Artizan / Opportunities / Sun 16 Sep 2018
We Are Making a New World: Curated by Becky Nuttall

An exhibition of poetry and art curated by Becky Nuttall in association with Robert Garnham and Artizan Gallery Torquay.
2018 marks one hundred years since the 1918 World War One Armistice and women won the right to vote. However, conflict and challenge and inequality continue on all fronts up to the present day.
In this selective open show, artists and poets will be asked to submit new work on this theme.
Visual Artists will be able to submit up to 5 pieces of work to this selective show with all works being judged anonymously by the Artizan Team, Becky Nuttall and Robert Garnham. Poets will be able to submit up to 2 pieces of work with all works being judged anonymously by Becky Nuttall and Robert Garnham. There are a few criteria to adhere to and some Terms and Conditions which apply to all submissions which we'd be grateful if you could read carefully! Full details and more about the opportunity can be found in the submissions pack on our website, which includes a full copy of the call, a submission form, and Terms and Conditions.
For more information visit http://www.art-hub.co.uk/oct2018
Opportunity Location
Artizan Gallery
7 Lucius Street
Telephone: 01803 428 626
Email: jacobbrandon@artizangallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.art-hub.co.uk/oct2018