Artistsmeet / Events / Wed 16 Sep 2015
Frances Williams: Wax resist and collage workshop

Wax resist and collage workshop
Wednesday 16 September
11am - 1pm
Join us for one of our highly popular taster workshops. Frances will be demonstrating and running a session in wax resist, using collage techniques, hot wax and inks. Create a colourful piece of artwork to take away with you on the day and be a part of the Open Studios experience!
Entry is free, but spaces are limited so booking in advance is highly recommended. Teas, coffees and a selection of cakes will also be served during the event!
For further information and booking please contact Elaine Johnson, Arts Development Officer.
For more information visit http://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet
Event Location
Artistsmeet at Watersmeet
High Street
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: http://www.facebook.com/artistsmeet