Artistsmeet / Events / Mon 27 Jul 2015
Storytent at the Aquadrome for Love Parks Week

This July you can look forward to a range of free art events taking place in your local parks and open spaces, in support of Love Parks Week- the UK’s ultimate celebration of green space!
Community Arts from Three Rivers District Council’s Leisure team are hosting outdoor storytelling sessions courtesy of the magical 'Storytent' with Kathryn Holt.
Join Kathryn in her cosy tent for interactive, imaginative storytelling. Listening to stories from around the world, young and old will be inspired to see and touch, move and sing along.
Drop in any time and stay as long as you like, for free play and enchanting tales!
For more information visit http://www.threerivers.gov.uk/egcl-page/love-parks
Event Location
Outside The Cafe in the Park
The Aquadrome
Frogmoore Lane
Telephone: 01923 776 611
Email: elaine.johnson@threerivers.gov.uk
Website: http://www.threerivers.gov.uk/egcl-page/love-parks